When I arrived at Pierre's (four hours late) his DJ teacher was there along with Pierre's boyfriend, porn star Julien Cox. (You can check out Julien's site at www.juliensboys.com).We had a great time listening to Pierre practice his DJ skills that afternoon. On Saturday we resumed our work on what would become known as the "Bad Boys Den." We worked all day, painting the floor, touching up the walls and hanging my paintings on his walls. That night we went to Taboo, where Julien is now dancing, and then to Adonis to spend a little time with Jeremy Feist and to see him dance.
On Sunday we worked more. Sunday night we went to Tribe to see one of Pierre's favorite DJ's, DJ Paolo. He was fantastic, and in Pierre's charming style, he managed to get himself into the DJ booth to watch a master DJ up close.
Monday brought more work on the Bad Boys Den. We grilled out a few times and had a great day. That night we sat back to watch a movie. At midnight Pierre reminded me that it was officially my birthday and insisted on giving me a birthday spanking. In good humor I bent over his ottoman in the living room while he and Julien gave me one of the most severe spankings I have ever had in my life... up until that point. I was expecting a few swats on the ass. I didn't count on a full-on assault!
The next morning we resumed work on the Bad Boys Den. All day Pierre and Julien were teasing me, telling me they had a big surprise in store for me. There were no hints other than that. About 4:00 PM they started rushing me. Julien said, "Oh Matty. When you're finished painting you need to go upstairs and get ready for your surprise." So I was off to the shower to freshen up. Shortly after I got out of the shower the doorbell rang. Leave it to me to ruin a surprise. I have always made myself totally at home at Pierre's place, so when the doorbell rang my first instinct was to answer the door. Before Julien could stop me I was opening the door for Jeremy Feist holding a plate of homemade chocolate-chip cookies and a gift bag.

Pierre and Julien rushed Jeremy into the basement but would not let me back downstairs. All alone in Pierre's apartment, just me and the liquor cabinet. After my fourth screwdriver Julien came to tell me I needed to get into the bathroom for about 30 seconds. I staggered into the bathroom and waited. In about 30 seconds Julien opened the door and told me to get to the basement. When I got downstairs I was amazed. Pierre and Julien had planned a surprise party for me complete with a DJ from Parking, Pierre's favorite club in Montreal. And who were the guests? None other than some of the hottest dancers in Montreal. They were really sweet guys... and shirtless! Time for another birthday spanking.
This time Pierre held my wrists while each person in the room took turns giving me a spanking with a leather paddle that I had brought for Pierre. Of course when it came time for Pierre to give me a spanking he made sure not to hold back. When he finished I told him it was time for my present. I turned him around, pulled his pants down and gave him a bare-ass spanking with the paddle myself. And to show that there were no hard feelings I reached into the front of his underwear and gave Little Pierre a squeeze. Hey, I was drunk! Don't judge me! Pierre, Julien and Jeremy were amazed at how drunk I was before the guest had even arrived. There's nothing sweeter than a room full of porn stars and dancers singing "Happy Birthday" to you in English and French.
On Wednesday Pierre and Julien had another surprise for me. They blindfolded me and put me into the back of my own car. (I should mention at this point that several times in the days leading up to the party I would notice my car keys missing along with my car. When I would ask Pierre when Julien was he would shrug his shoulders and give me a grin. I knew something was up.) After driving me around for about 10 minutes they took me out of the car and lead me through what seemed like a parking garage. I was really nervous now. Finally Pierre instructed me to take my blindfold off. We were at the Bio-Dome in Montreal. If you ever visit Montreal be sure to check out the Bio-Dome. Its like an indoor zoo. Each room is climate controlled and there is not much between you and the animals. They try to replicate the animals natural habitat as closely as possible. No keeping different species separate. Oh no, that would not be natural. Looking over the railing at a couple of crocodiles in a stream while birds and other animals walked by them and fed from the fish in the stream. What could be closer to nature? This was amazing. In fact, it was nothing for a bird to fly right by you or land on the walkway with the tourists. At one point I saw Pierre chasing behind some large tropical bird about the size of a turkey.
That night we went to the Home Depot to get some more supplies for the basement. Because it was getting late the parking lot was practically empty. Julien and I decided to give Mr. Fitch a driving course. I'm still trying to figure out where I had the lapse in judgment. Pierre does not drive because he lives in the heart of Montreal with a metro station one block away and everything he could ever need on his street. He has no need for a car, or a driver's license for that matter. Stupid us, Julien and I assumed that Pierre did not know how to drive. After taking my car a safe distance away from the other cars in the Home Depot parking lot I gave Pierre the keys. He insisted on Julien sitting up front with him. I took my seat in the back thinking that this would be a fun and enjoyable experience. No sooner had I closed the car door, Pierre gunned it. Tires were screeching as we went hurdling across the parking lot. When I yelled for him to stop, he did. He hit the brakes full-force sending me into the back of Julie's seat. Before I could sit back up we were off again. I looked up in time to see the side of a silver BMW fly by. I'm not sure how close he came to hitting it, but I was wondering if my auto insurance covered accidents caused by wild porn stars. Pierre whipped around a sharp turn, tires squealing. No need to slow down, let's just scare the hell out of Matt. Julien and I were both screaming in terror as Pierre giggled in delight. I told him to slow down during turns. Do you think he listened? NO! He jerked the wheel suddenly and sent the car lurching in another direction without letting off the gas. Honestly, I think he was accelerating through turns. Julien and I begged him to stop. Finally he did, relinquishing control of my car back to me. It was then that it hit me that Pierre had been having a little fun at our expense. He totally knew how to drive. He played along and gave us the fright of out lives. I drove out of the Home Depot parking lot leaving most of the rubber from my tires burned into the asphalt where Pierre took us on his joyride.
After the trip to the Bio-Dome it was back home where Julien cooked us a fabulous dinner. I have to say, he is one of the best cooks I have ever known. He can improvise a recipe with minimal ingredients on hand and make it look and taste like something from a 5 star restaurant. We then went back to the basement for a little more work. I think Pierre enjoyed the birthday spankings a little too much. He tied my hands a feet to two metal posts in his basement to ensure that I could not escape. He then pulled my shorts down and proceeded to give me yet another birthday spanking with the paddle. Julien was on the other side spanking me with a little leather whip. I thought the spanking at Midnight on Tuesday was bad. That was a walk in the park. This time Pierre let his full force loose on my ass. The louder I screamed the more he giggled with pleasure. It was useless. I could not free myself. I had to endure it, screaming and cursing the entire time. When he was finished I insisted on having my turn. I tied his hands and ankles, pulled down his shorts, and Julien and I began our beating. Pierre screamed and tried to move around. Finally he freed his left hand and began to set himself free. While he was untying himself I offered to kiss it and make it better. With that I leaned down and planted a big kiss on his rosy-red ass. The damage to his ass was nothing compared to mine. I pulled my shorts down once again for him to see. My ass looked like it was ready to bleed. The pain was throbbing and Pierre was beside himself, laughing at the damage he had inflicted.
The next morning I woke before Pierre and Julien. I knocked on the bedroom door to let them know it was time to get up. I would be leaving in a few hours. We enjoyed a nice breakfast together at a local diner and the added a few last touches to the Bad Boys Den. Pierre and Julien Hugged me as I left. Pierre's hug was not like a quick hug that we give to acquaintances. This was a long and tight hug. The kind that says "I love you" without words.
I do love my friends in Montreal. I can't imagine not having them in my life. The older I get them more I realize how important they are to me. Pierre Fitch, Julien Cox and Jeremy Feist are three of the best friends anyone could ever ask for. They are not porn stars to me. They are some of my closest friends. I love them with all my heart and cannot begin to thank them enough for the wonderful week.
Hey, Matt. Sounds like you had a cool time. Glad that I found this. What a wonderful trip. But I do think they could have taken it a little easier on your ass. :) Anyway, all the best to you Matt and big hugs from PA
Thanks Mark! I'm glad you found little ol' me here. Big hugs to you from the South!